24 March 2007


Follow up to this and this

I finally managed to see 300. Thoroughly enjoyed it but not the ambience in the theatre ( though the couple next to me was thankfully well-behaved). The moderately dressed young lady next to me on the left, and a heavy Arab gorilla on the right encroached my fundamental right of freedom for (errr..limb) movement.

Since I had drooled over everything from the story line to production anecdotes, the ‘wow’ factor was tempered down to a smile. What I loved were the amazing one liners throughout the movie. I shall reproduce whatever I can recall

Act: (Convoy asks why is a woman speaking in a conversation of men)
Gorgo (Leonidas’ wife and Queen of Sparta) replies ‘Because only Spartan women give birth to real men!’

Act: (Emotional scene before Leonidas sets out for war)
Gorgo says ‘Come back with your shield or on it’

Act: (Leonidas is inspecting his 300 men, sees a young lad the captain’s son and
comments that he is young)
Captain looks at his son’s eyes and remarks, ‘I have younger sons to replace him’

Act: (The Spartans are piling slain Persian soldiers to build a rampart for
defence, when the Persian commander turns up)
Spartan hero says ‘Most of the mortar for this comes from you guys!’

Act: (The Persian commander asks them to surrender, saying the Persian armies
arrows will blot out the sun’s rays)
Spartan hero replies with a wry smile, ‘Good, then we’ll fight in the shade!’

Act: (The commander from the tribe which come to aid the Spartans asks Leonidas
how come he has brought only 300 men.)
Leonidas: (points to a man behind the commander) You, what’s your profession?
Man: I am a sculptor
Leonidas: (points to another) And you what is your profession?
Man: I am a blacksmith
Leonidas: (points to a third guy) And what about you?
Man: I am a carpenter
Leonidas: (turns his head and yells madly) Spaaaartans what is your profession?
Men behind Leonidas: Raise their shields three times and give a war cry in unison.
Amazing ain’t it?

If I were ever born in 480 BC, thousands of years later, men and women would have ‘entertained’ themselves by treating themselves to popcorn, soft-drinks, arms around spouses with some animated story on men fighting and dying selflessly… only 301 in number.

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Blogger KAD kuchh to bolti...

I am reading this post at a very wrong time...currently half dead after a marathon 10 hours of lectures and am really resting my sore feet. Wanted to go for it this weekend but had absolutely no time. Maybe will catch up on ths during the weekday.

I know, dumb comment, but kya kare, brain not working..comfortably numb.

5:31 PM  
Blogger Jas B kuchh to bolti...

Real witty one liners! :)

10:00 PM  
Blogger Chica, Cienna, and Cali kuchh to bolti...

i loved the first one...:) quite a queen,eh!!!

10:23 PM  
Blogger AlterinG Abhishek kuchh to bolti...

well re-produced!!!

8:03 AM  
Blogger KAD kuchh to bolti...

I finally watched the movie last night. Good movie, but I think they have taken too many creative liberties in depicting some events/characters. I have my doubts but a very entertaining film, no doubt.

9:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown kuchh to bolti...

300 is a 'graphic adaptation' of the comic series called 300 written and drawn by Frank Miller in late 90s. Every frame in the movie is an almost exact reproduction of the caricature. Under this constraint for production and direction, its natural some creativity touches far-fetchedness

If I ever were to watch a Tintin movie I would want it to be exactly the same as the paperback comic. so that the spirit basically

Zack Snyder has just 'remixed' Frank's work. As is evident, many events may be even historically incorrect.

12:50 PM  
Blogger Chica, Cienna, and Cali kuchh to bolti...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Chica, Cienna, and Cali kuchh to bolti...


9:37 PM  
Blogger mandeep kuchh to bolti...

Thanks for putting down those one liners. Gives me another reason to watch it again.
What struck me in the movie is the sense of fearlessness personified by Spartans.

No wonder freedom has been a long cause and source for true bravery.

See if you can put up something on 'The Pursuit of Happyness" . Looking forward to it Satan. ;-)

2:42 PM  

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